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Can't renew sponsors

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medal 5006
7 years 362 days ago
This is the first time I've encountered this, has been working fine before yesterday (thurs)
It was the last race for my contract on my sponsors, it will go to the screen where it has the primery and secondary sponser tabs sisde by side, but when I click on the sign tab, nothing happens. I've tried refreshing page, closed browser, and even restart of the computer.
Any ideas?
medal 5422 CEO & CTO
7 years 362 days ago
I've heard that certain AdBlock lists can make the sponsors tab show blank (it's clearly picking up on the word "sponsors" and blocking it... not much we can do about that).

If you use Adblock, try disabling it on (we don't have ads anyway) and let me know if you can see your sponsors.
medal 5006
7 years 362 days ago
Good shout, I'll try that
medal 5006
7 years 362 days ago
Yes that works, Thanks for the help.
medal 5000
7 years 361 days ago
medal 5088
7 years 361 days ago
If anybody is using adblock or adblock plus, I strongly recommend switching to uBlock Origin. I have been using it for two weeks and it has been fantastic. Any elements that I custom blocked under adblock plus were easier to block with uBlock Origin.
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