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Next year's development

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medal 5000
13 years 49 days ago
My league started the next season, I've been promoted from Rookie to Pro and my car's components are nice I must say, but does this affect next year's design? I only get a 2% increase on a component and have to put 54 designers on one component to get it from 2% to 4%.

Is this because this year's components are that good? I mean.. I can only hire 200 staff, so in my current league that would mean I could get a part to around 40% if I put 50 designers on it during the whole season.

Is this on purpose? I can live with not being 100% competitive next season after being very competitive this season, but this is far off..
medal 5186
13 years 49 days ago
i ask the same thing and this was mine answer:

Hi Davy,

you will need more designers the higher your parts are developed. If you develop 20% you will need 10-12 designers, while developing from your level you need about 30 for each step.

iGP Manager Support

I have got the same problem. to developed the new car for next season will be a problem. With the designers i have got (120) at the moment., the first update will be at the middle off the season. The new car will be a mess whit this speed off designing. I also agree whit you that this is a very big gap. I ended the season whit 60 designers en for the same speed i need now 163. Let we hope that thy will change it a bit. Other wise the next season will be a disaster

Greetings Davy Wilms
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
13 years 49 days ago
See the Rules, 2.1 Car Design:
medal 5000
13 years 49 days ago
So that means that I have to put 54 designers on one part to gain 2%? That's crappy!
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
13 years 49 days ago
Well, it also means you might be able to put 10 designers on it and get 2%. Adding more designers than are needed for the minimum design time is pointless, it doesn't increase the gain or the speed any further.
medal 5000
13 years 48 days ago
If you go 100% focus for this year than change to 100% focus on next year for the last few races it takes way more designers and time to get the same improvement as going 100% focus on next years car at the start, it doesnt make sense that having a good car hampers next years development(if it starts low), idealy you could assing designers to this or next years car rather than a slider, so you would still get fast upgrading of next years car when its not been developed much.
medal 5000
13 years 48 days ago
I agree with Richard. I think it is good and realistic the need for more designers as the pieces are getting better, but if we focus on next season, that should not have any impact in the desing of next season pieces, still reduce the gain as we develope them, but not relating this year design developement with next year.
medal 5000
13 years 48 days ago

If I decrease my number of designers by one (54 -> 53) the update will be delayed by a day. I cannot decrease the amount of designers without delay.
If I put the number of designers to about 10, the first update will be on the 10th of April.

I don't think this corresponds with what you meant to tell, right?
medal 5000
13 years 48 days ago
I also agree with Richard.
My current performance shouldn't delay my progress in the next year.

I played 1 season with low performance parts, because i wanted an high performance in the next one. Now, in the new season there's no way i'll get the car to be competitive the next season.
The way it's done now, it rewards always those that focus in 50%-50% or with more focus on the current season.

Change the way develpment it's made (like the way Richard said, for example), rather than cripple my performance in the next season, based on what i have this seaon...
medal 5000
13 years 48 days ago
I believe the problem Richard is describing is actually done intentionally.  It makes it more difficult to have the best parts season after season.

If it wasn't done the way it is - then it would be possible to start every season with all emphasis on the next season and get perfect parts at the start of every new season.
medal 5000
13 years 48 days ago
ive not completed a season yet, once you do, does next seasons car reset to 0% or does it start from last years percentage of development?
medal 5186
13 years 48 days ago
No, the next year car is set to 1% and the speed off updates dependents on this years car.

I did the same thing as Joao did. I joint the league half way the season and i know i could not win any race so i decided to go for 100% for next year car. No i have got the problem that when the season is over i could only have a 15% / 20% car. Because the league runs 3 races a week. so every 6 weeks a new season. To get around the problem we must join a league were thy only drive 1 race a week. -> 17 weeks the time to develop the new car.
Then you have the time to get a good car for next season.
medal 5000
13 years 48 days ago
No idea how it is a problem for you.

I do everyday races and I am still able to get about 60% on current season + 40% for next season without a problem. 115 designers.
medal 5186
13 years 47 days ago
How do you do it? i have now 120 designers en the first update will be in February 16 and that is the middle off the season. If i will gain the same level as last year means i get +9% extra. then maybe 1 update before the end means that i gain in total 19% for all components. (1%+9%+9%)
I have all designers evenly set so all components are update at the same time.
What i do wrong then?
medal 5000
13 years 47 days ago

You get parts around 60% the one season, and 40% the next season?
I got the same problem as Davy, but I only gain 1 or 2% per update on next year (with 100% focus on next year..).

Sorry to say, but this sucks big time. I do believe that there should be a kind of correction for focussing on a particular season to prevent domination, but this is more of a punishment instead of making it more difficult to maintain your form as a team.
I'm not the guy to only make remarks on things I don't like without contributing to enhance a game, so if there are plans to make it better, I'm willing to contribute to that!
medal 5000
13 years 47 days ago (edited 13 years 47 days ago)
How do you do it? i have now 120 designers en the first update will be in February 16 and that is the middle off the season. If i will gain the same level as last year means i get +9% extra. then maybe 1 update before the end means that i gain in total 19% for all components. (1%+9%+9%)
I have all designers evenly set so all components are update at the same time.
What i do wrong then?

You're doing it totally wrong. Focus on just a few parts at a time. They get done much, much faster than doing everything at once.

RIght now with 140 designers I can get every part on my car upgraded in 3 days. At the start of the season I could do even more. You should have upgrades available at every single race during the season.

Right now my current %'s are 66% for current season and 51% for next season in a monday, wednesday, friday league.
medal 5000
13 years 47 days ago

What's the increment percentage you get with every update then? And what's the ratio this season's development / next season's development?
In my case my parts are nearly 100%. If I put my ratio on 100% development for next season, I get 2% for next season and 1% for this season..
medal 5000
13 years 47 days ago
I believe the problem Richard is describing is actually done intentionally.  It makes it more difficult to have the best parts season after season.

If it wasn't done the way it is - then it would be possible to start every season with all emphasis on the next season and get perfect parts at the start of every new season.

QFT :-)
medal 5000
13 years 47 days ago
but if you have say a 100% car at the start of the season then next years development is gonna be so slow next years car is going to be like 20% at best
medal 0
13 years 47 days ago
but if you have say a 100% car at the start of the season then next years development is gonna be so slow next years car is going to be like 20% at best

I agree, doesn't seem right.

Who's up for calculating a theoretical most efficient development strategy? It's possbile, but it needs a lot of info.
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