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Headquarters Upgrade Clock is Frozen

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medal 5101
7 years 352 days ago
The countdown clock for the Design facility is frozen on my machine. When I refresh it changes the time.
Happening on the Firefox browser. Safari seems OK.

Maybe there's a problem with Firefox because I experienced recent problems with race viewer too using Firefox. Please see my other post in bugs.
medal 5088
7 years 352 days ago
Can you expand on this?

When the page is refreshed, does the countdown clock display a countdown less than what it was before? Or, when you return to the page after 5 minutes, it doesn't reflect a countdown 5 minutes shorter than what it was?
medal 5000
7 years 346 days ago
I have had the same issue in firefox the countdown clock was frozen on 1D23H50s since yesterday and when I refreshed the page it went to 1D23H45S and when I went home it went back to 1D23H50s. I logged out and logged in again and it corrected itself and jumped to 23h57m very odd :S
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