Roberto Casone medal 5000 8 years 3 days ago
Hello everyone, I was asking myself how it's possible to see wages of drivers or staff members that I have shortlisted in the past, without going on the section "Tranfers". It would be more comfortable if the wages of drivers/staff without a contract are shown in their windows together with their price. There are pilots that aren't in the market (section Transfer), that can only be directly bought, without the possibility to bid. Even there, there's not wage. How can I know how much they gain per race?

Roberto Casone medal 5000 7 years 361 days ago
Guys, instead of opening a new thread I wanted to reuse this one, this time for a different problem. I would have liked to open a thread in SUGGESTIONS, possibly if you permit that.
I don't really like this current system of wages, because they are so damn high. In order to improve, I obviously need new staff members and new drivers, but all their wages together cost a lot, and at the end of each race, unless I get the bonuses from the sponsor (which is not always easy) I lose money. I made some mistakes in the past and I had to sell each driver to buy new ones with less wages, but it was always difficult to keep the profit positive. For this reason, I never want to buy any new driver or staff member, because wages are so damn high. And I see that in the market, there are always the same drivers because nobody buys them, I guess because they are both expensive and with high wage.
I tell you an example: some weeks ago I bought a driver with talent 10 with wage of 277k (more or less), that I sold after 2-3 races because he wasn't performing well. Then I saw it in the market and had more than 400k of wage. How's that increase possible?
How does the increase of wage works? Shouldn't it be based on results?
I think the wage system should be a bit reviewed, because actually it's difficult to keep up and maintain the profit positive.