Nelson Kumaga medal 5000 7 years 361 days ago (edited 7 years 361 days ago)
Nelson, From observation driver experience doesn't seem to do very much.
I took a gamble on a rookie driver a couple of seasons ago, he was 19 years old, had never raced, so only had an experience value of 4. He won the Elite drivers championship in his his first two seasons and he is currently leading the championship in his third season. He has competed in 43 races, has won 19 (44%) of them and has appeared on the podium on 33 (67%) occasions. As I said he started at Exp 4 but has now levelled up to 7.
This is an active league with at least eight managers regularly attending races.
He has consistently beaten Talent 20 team mates who have similar stats but are far more experienced. His current team mate has an experience attribute of 20!
It does seem like drivers who are very young(17-20) perform quite well compared to their teammates.