James Greer medal 5000 7 years 360 days ago
I see only 1% less wear in the tyres between these two cars.
Is that the idea or is it a bug?

Gustavo Heiden medal 5000 7 years 360 days ago
I've never seen noticeable difference about tire economy. I think that's the idea :)

I B medal 5160 7 years 360 days ago
Gustavo, I've dropped tortoise into the league to run a test lap on SS for Turkey
Tortoise tyre economy 1 SS 20%
Me tyre economy 48 SS 16%
The difference is slightly more than I expected, perhaps something has been tweaked since I last looked into it?
Can you kick tortoise when you have a moment please, his work is done.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 360 days ago
Tortoise work is far from done, you only looked at 1 tyre TE most benefits SS you never looked at the other tyres lol
Not counting SS
S, M & H at the end of race there is only 1% more wear on the rookie car compared to the elite car but there is a big difference in TE. Though with 5 more points on the rookie car it too will be at the halfway point then tyre wear will most likely be equal.

I B medal 5160 7 years 359 days ago
I'm agreeing that TE appears to have little effect, perhaps it's non-linear? (tyre wear itself obviously isn't linear). How are you accounting for push levels and tyre heating in a race?
Setup laps for Silverstone,
TE1 TE48
SS 16 12
S 8 6
M 4 2
H 3 2
I accept that accuracy of my figures is somewhat wobbly when I have no decimal places to show and I'm only looking at test laps.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 359 days ago
Interesting. That about backs the point of view that you can ignore TE if you're not on single digits but once you've got 20+ you're probably better off not to invest your precious design points. After the changes you should reach that, at least in Elite, even with your CD weakness on it.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 7 years 359 days ago
Thanks IB for your research!
I will try to make a test with all skills at same level, except tire economy.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 359 days ago (edited 7 years 359 days ago)

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 359 days ago
Indeed thanks James and I B for looking into this.
So the 30 points more into TE from the faster team didn't manage to (fully) compensate the additional heat from the faster speed of the Elite team. That was unexpected, so far I was under the impression the better the cars the more advantage the super softs gain. This somewhat indicates that the opposite might actually be true.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 358 days ago
There is a few questions can off of this.
Will a Low level CD in elite make it easier for you to get a good car?
Will it be just as fast, if not faster because it's averaging out equal with less points?
Sure the down side of a low level CD is less gains in research, but getting 20 design points every race makes up for it.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 358 days ago
I can't follow your train of thought. I know no stat where less points makes your car faster and with a worse CD you end up with less points almost everywhere for most races of the season.
That little bit more heat doesn't matter much as well. Your cars were more than 2 seconds/lap apart. That one notch push level less for 2 laps this required isn't making up for that kind of speed difference, that car/driver combo was still way faster even on those 2 laps.
The question it brought up for me was if with better cars in Elite the harder compounds are more competitive on more tracks than most manager seem to believe.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 358 days ago
I'm thinking a lower design cap would build the car faster & 16 no star CD's is same price as 1 five star CD lol

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 357 days ago
But a low level CD in Elite wouldn't have a lower design cap, that is determined by the tier you're racing in. Even if the CD had a cap, a car with all stats at 40 points with rookie design cap wouldn't be faster than a car with all 40 points and elite cap. The one with rookie cap just can't get developed further at an earlier stage. That would mean with a low level CD you would not only have a slower car at the beginning of the season, because of less points, you'd have no chance to catch up for the last races because you'd run into your CDs cap while the high level CD teams already passed that stage and made their cars faster by spending more points beyond your reach.
Sorry if I misunderstood you, I'm not sure if I'm on the same page here.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 357 days ago
I beg to differ.
I think the only reason the rookie car is slower is because of the drivers, and not because of the car design cap.
0-50 in rookie is just made easier to build up the car earning such low design points. it's doing the same thing as the 0-75 pro or 0-100 elite cars.
I'm not reading the book, I'm just flicking through the pictures
Old system CD's had Cap levels. They should bring them back hehehe

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 357 days ago (edited 7 years 357 days ago)
OK, there's our difference in understanding. But it wouldn't make sense to me to limit low levels design points by level in the first place and then boost their effectiveness again to make up for it. Especially since that would even double the already quite big advantage of running in a Rookie with a high level. The difference between a level 4 and 8 in Rookie is already double design points, with that change it would equal 4 times the design points like a level 4 against a level 16 in Elite.
No, I still think one point in Rookie is the same as one point in Elite but the max is capped earlier to reflect the fewer design points so noone can run too far ahead before hitting it and almost everyone has the chance to reach it eventually. That the max car performance is lower fits to the slower drivers and it's a lower tier of a racing series after all and goes well with the feel of progression with the lap times improving over time.
A cap level of CDs doesn't sound that bad actually. Although I think their strength and weakness system could be expanded into (trainable perhaps) skills for every stat to deliver caps according to this. To be able to finetune it a bit a staff of technicians could be hired as well and affect it too according to their skills, a bit like the system for the race engineers in DiRT Rally. But I doubt it fits into the devs plans. As much as I heard what the game was and is now they changed it from a early stage manager game into a basic mobile style progression game with management and strategy elements.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 357 days ago
The design of the car has a lower average but 50 is equal to 100 it is still giving the same results.
This is good example
Driver that done 1:22.8?? has 20 Talent and 20 for everything but experience.
The one that done 1:25.3?? has 2 Talent and 2 for everything but experience and & stamina.
If the 20 talent driver was in the rookie car the times would be a lot closer to matching the elite times, the car is just as good it's just the drivers are not.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 357 days ago (edited 7 years 357 days ago)
Equal! 4.5 stars compatibility in Belgium
Cars need braking or TE to be 5 stars lol

Gary Collyer medal 5001 7 years 357 days ago
totally un-related (so sorry for highjacking post) but how do u post pictures like that direct onto posts James, never known how to do that, i can post links to screenshots that have been uploaded to internet but thats all i know. can u do it direct like that from pictures saved on computer also or do u still have to upload to a internet site first like i use awesomescreenshot for. ?

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 357 days ago (edited 7 years 357 days ago)
Copy the direct link to the image and paste it here then add img at the start and backslash img at the end.
Looks like only way to do it is upload it to a site first, using the cloud can only add link to image not the image

Gary Collyer medal 5001 7 years 357 days ago