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Issue with postponing races

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medal 5000
7 years 344 days ago (edited 7 years 344 days ago)
Hello, the manager of a league and I have just experienced a problem in our league, after postponing a race.
In our league, the race days are TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY. But FRIDAY 17th march almost all of the members of the league were busy and I was busy too (we are all friends), so we decided to postpone THAT ONLY race to SATURDAY 18th march. Until now no problem. But today we noticed that the race scheduled today on SUNDAY 19th march will start instead TUESDAY 21st march, without any reason. We only thought that postponing a single race would compromise all the other races, postponing every race. But the real trouble is yet to come:
We have then read the dates of all the races of our league, and we noted OVERLAPPING DATES between more races. This means we have two different races in the same day and in the same time. How's that possible? Please fix this, or our championship is compromised! I repeat, our original and current race days are TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY.
Here we link the league:
And here is the image of the issue:

PS: we already tried to postpone those single overlapped races, but it's still problematic, because if I postpone only one race, the game postpones instead both of them, keeping them overlapped!
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 343 days ago
I've manually updated the calendar such that it should be correct now. I was a little rushed though, so let me know if you see any more problems.
medal 5000
7 years 343 days ago (edited 7 years 343 days ago)
I've manually updated the calendar such that it should be correct now. I was a little rushed though, so let me know if you see any more problems.

Yes! It's all ok now and dates are perfect. Thank you very very much. You saved our league!! hahaha
If it's not a problem, can I ask you what caused this issue?
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 343 days ago
I don't know, is the answer. That's something I'll have to look into after the app launch. Out of time for now.
medal 5000
7 years 318 days ago
I don't know, is the answer. That's something I'll have to look into after the app launch. Out of time for now.

Jack, it happened once again. In our league some races overlap. It happened because we wanted to change the race-days... Now we have chosen monday, wednesday and friday. Can you fix this problem please? It's very annoying... And I have to count that in two weeks we have to change the race-days once again, and I wouldn't like this problem to happen every time ☹
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