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Lvl 8 Sponsors

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medal 5000
7 years 272 days ago
Foracer has the same income as WTF1 instead of being a little lower as it has a higher bonus payout
medal 5000
7 years 272 days ago
Hi Guys! Can someone please tell me, how can I know what is the sponsor's expectation after I already signed a contract?
I choose my sponsors in a rush and forgot to carefully read their expectation, and now I can't review them...
My sponsors are Giigle and Thomas Hillfigner ( good cover names though )...
medal 5665 CEO & CTO
7 years 271 days ago
The target is set for each race, so you'll see your objective when the race is beginning. It's dynamic because people can join/leave the league between races and so on.
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