Carlos Alvarez medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
Hi, something is wrong with the Online Race. I was able to see a race in "Spectator mode", but when I've to race by myself, the game loads until 100% and then appears an error related with "the scripts" or "Exception catching is disabled...". Also, other 2 of my league, have the same issues.
PD: I run the game in Google Chrome, I've enabled the first option in chrome://flags/ related with the renderization and I've put the graphics options to the minimum. In Firefox doesn't work neither.
So, what I have to do to run the game properly as the Spectator mode does?

Mario Rasetti medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
hi carlos, do you've this error also?

Esteban Alonso medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
me too! have the same problem just now. I try with Ctrl+F5 but receive the same error.

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
yeah same issue - restarted chrome - cleared cache - rebooted laptop (i never do so i thought might be an issue) - tried firefox and got the same error.. something wrong with loading it!

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 338 days ago
The app will work, I'd recommend using that. These WebGL issues are causing so many interruptions we're considering making a desktop executable alternative.

Carlos Alvarez medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago (edited 7 years 338 days ago)
hi carlos, do you've this error also?
Yeah, that's exactly the last error I've experienced today

Jonatas Crispim medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
I solve my problem going in the configurations and choose BETA for RACE VIEWER...
Hope it works for you, guys

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 338 days ago (edited 7 years 338 days ago)
We have fixed this error and will be uploading the fix to the public site shortly. We were finally able to reproduce it, which meant we could finally understand it.
Carlos Alvarez medal 5000 7 years 337 days ago
Well, I could fix that issue. The game loads everything ok but, I've experienced some lag... I think that's because of my conection

Esteban Alonso medal 5000 7 years 337 days ago
today work me very good! Great work Jack! thanks