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Driver and tokens disappeared!

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medal 5000
7 years 264 days ago
Just 5 min ago I bought a driver (finally found a decent one), he was on my team for few seconds and suddenly he changed team. I didn't sell him or anything.
As you can see it is also logged that he was on my team. Is there a way to get him back?

medal 5674 CEO & CTO
7 years 263 days ago
Hi Daniel, unfortunately not. We will look into this bug. How many Tokens did you spend? I will give you double what you used.
medal 5000
7 years 263 days ago
Hi Daniel, unfortunately not. We will look into this bug. How many Tokens did you spend? I will give you double what you used.

To be honest, I cannot remember how many tokens did I use. This bug was very weird tho, as we went to knockout stage two and then I had the option to 'buy now' so I clicked on it and I got the driver for me temporarily before he disappeared.

You also don't get the money back if you loose the bidding competition, right?
medal 5000
7 years 262 days ago
If you don't want to give the tokens back, could you at least put the money balance back as it's on negative now.

medal 5000
7 years 261 days ago
The same happens to me... 4 Token and approx. 8 millions
medal 5674 CEO & CTO
7 years 260 days ago
I've given you 40 Tokens Daniel, as with the others who experienced this. You can use it to get a cash investment and to recover the lost tokens. We've now verified this thanks to information provided by Lorenzo and will be looking to fix it in the week ahead.
medal 5674 CEO & CTO
7 years 256 days ago
This is fixed now.
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