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Trackmap doesnt load

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medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
In todays race on Silverstone, I get a quite pixellated red questionmark on a white background for a track as shown below.

I (hard) resfeshed, deleted all history, cache, you name it. Problem occurs in Firefox, Edge and in both the Stable and Beta viewer. And I wasn't the only one having this problem unfortunately.

medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
I see, it's really far from what I imagined. Is that some kind of weather or temperature layout ?
But seriously you did all the steps to fix it and you're not alone in that situation so it migtht still be a cache bug (even if you cleared it) or due to the firefox build you're using.
medal 5435 CEO & CTO
7 years 317 days ago
This is probably related to the fact that we had to move the service back and forth between servers tonight, even during your race. We're almost done with all the upgrades that started a few days ago, but we are on the original system tonight, which had more issues. This just temporary and tomorrow we should have everything moved across to the new setup for good.
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