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Staff Training

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medal 5144 Super Mod
7 years 318 days ago
Please can you add staff training to your list of improvements. Currently you level up and bingo! The star rating of all your staff take a hit.
We all understand how important it is to get a good CD and TD and certainly in the case of the CD the market just doesn't work. Being able to train your staff would be really beneficial.
If this isn't possible in the short term because of other priorities is there any chance of sorting the market out? The same staff keep cycling around because they're awful and nobdy in their right mind is going to employ them. Why would any manager who has been playing the game long enough to reach L18 be the slightest bit interested in a CD or TD with less than 4 stars, so why bother to list them? The same applies to a CD who may be 4.5 or 5 stars but strength/weakness makes them unemployable.
So we end up with a whole bunch of staff that are not worth employing going around and around in the market. Is it possible to set a limit of say 3 cycles at which point they are removed from the market and replaced by another?
medal 5144 Super Mod
7 years 314 days ago
Simple question..... Why bother?

<img src="" width="845" height="595" />
medal 5000
7 years 307 days ago
Yes like old igp, we used to be able to train staff. Could we bring that back? Or can we at least get more stff period. for the past 2 months I've seen the exact same names for staff. Nothing new
medal 5000
7 years 66 days ago
I don't know whether this has been brought up before but I think being able to train staff would be a great benefit.

We can train the drivers to pass the management level but it's frustrating trying to find better staff for a better car in the following season but can only find the equivilant or worse.

What do you guys think???
medal 5000
7 years 65 days ago
I like it. I was thinking the same thing
medal 5000
7 years 62 days ago
it has been brought up before, but still a good idea, though how it would be initiated i have no idea
medal 5000
7 years 61 days ago
I totally agree with Kurtis
medal 5000
7 years 61 days ago
I like it, i was thinking the same thing :)
medal 5197
7 years 58 days ago
I agree, but this system I think it is necessary for maintain more balance between managers.

Instead ... it would take the opportunity to train the staff as pilots (or almost)
medal 5000
6 years 350 days ago
I totally agree this idea. Get back the old igp staff back! or something like this but we can improve them.
medal 5000
6 years 349 days ago (edited 6 years 349 days ago)
As suggested am reposting here for feedback. Am finding the staff marketplace somewhat frustrating. WIth the exception of Driver Academy for drivers, the staff marketplace has a monopoly on staff. Where theres a monopoly in real life often there is some kind of gov't price control.
In the old game, you could fire staff and try to rehire them at a lower salary if you had a good relationship.
Now you hire CD and TD matching your level, but there's a increase in salary every time contract is extended.
For CD, all the marketplace candidates have weakness in one of the important attributes Acceleration, Braking, Handling, Downforce.
Current CD has $840k salary and contract extension will bring that to $940k which is not sustainable. .
Any chance of adding a CD and or TD academy to HQ like drivers?bring in a lower level one as an intern and train them? Thanks
medal 5685 Community Manager
6 years 349 days ago
I merge two topics with the same idea.
medal 5000
6 years 349 days ago
Totally upset after ending last season yesterday and discover today new season car points. Staff marketplace has to be redesigned and improved. with new features in the staff area too and the option to develope them if it's the case. That for me is.

It's very hard to find a designer that is at the level of you are expecting and cover well the area you want and get the result expected. I reaffirm this after looking at great teams with great staff that have not being active for a long time and other managers as me are expecting to find them, not the bullshit appearing day after day that nobody wants.

Sorry, but for some time I'm getting quite disapointed with the game mechanics and experience in general in all areas.
medal 5000
6 years 345 days ago
Transfer market would be eaiser to use if you could filter by role and rating
medal 5000
6 years 343 days ago
Igp, you could make more cash by introducing a way to buy training for your staff wkth real money or even game cash but with gamecash it takes way moreto encouragd ppl to use real caxh.

You could send staff away for training sl players lose them for a period of time but once they return they are improved to the level bought.

That way the current marketplace can stay but offer more for the try hards,lol
medal 5312
6 years 335 days ago
I have not seen a decent CD or TD in months, nearly all have been 4.5 stars and have been weak in one of the major design areas. I have seen only 1 5 star CD which had Acceleration as its weakness and cooling as a strength, which, in my viewpoint is not a suitable designer. It would be nice if we could count for designer as we can drivers...
medal 6210
6 years 335 days ago
To be honest I'm with you about not enough good staff about but in a way this keeps a level playing field for most. If certain team get good CD and good TD and can train them and keep them for long period then imagine season after season that team will keep getting best car and keep winning and dominating! That's exactly what I don't want and I'm sure many of you don't want that either especially if one your competitor got best CD TD combo and you keep losing it won't be fun! Then there will be more of us complaining like it is in current F1.

Atleast at current setup teams have to change staff quite frequently giving others some chance to get even and compete.
medal 5000
6 years 335 days ago
@M.S. The problem is that your theory only holds good for low level CDs. They are employed by low level managers as 5 star staff and as the manager levels up the staff star rating drops so the manager releases them back to the market for another low level manager to employ (albeit at an exorbitant salary).
Where your theory falls down is for L19/L20 managers. Because they are no longer levelling up, if they have managed to find a couple of 5 star CDs with good strength/weakness they will keep these staff until they retire. These staff are therefore never recycled back into the market which is now saturated with garbage CDs.
There are a few high level managers who have got hold of two or three 5 star CDs and this makes their team untouchable at the beginning of a season. This situation will continue until their staff retire because anyone who levels up to 19/20 now will not be able to secure good CDs and will therefore always be disadvantaged early in the season.
IMO the solution is to either
1. introduce training or
2. auto delete CDs entirely after a number of cycles through the market to force the game to generate new staff or
3. Remove strength/weakness and only retain stars.
My least favourite is option 3 because this just dumbs the game down.
Best would be training but I imagine this would take a lot of coding and testing so the simple solution is a regular CD cull.
medal 5312
6 years 334 days ago
Even level 16 and 17 CD and TD's are very thing on the ground... I’m quite fortunate in that my level 18 CD is a 4.5 star without having one of the big 4 as a weakness... Sadly it doesn’t have one of the big 4 as strength either...
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