Jack Basfordmedal 5237 CEO & CTO 7 years 327 days ago
Videos are only for parts. I looked at his design history, there is nothing particularly unusual looking. His biggest gain in any single area of design over the last race was 9 design points. Maybe he just applied his design points now and nobody else has?
In all other areas he only increased his design by 1-5 points. These numbers are totally obtainable with research + design points at your level (he's L18).
Gary Collyermedal 5002 7 years 327 days ago (edited 7 years 327 days ago)
My cars like that because I left my previous league after 6 races into season then joined your league last season and my car got reset to 2% for first race of season (which totally sucked against teamed with 300+ design) but it doesnt reset your next seasons design so in effect there was probably about 6 races extra design for following season and as such I reach the maximum of 50 in each part excluding weakness of 20 for first race of this season rather than the Normal 43 in each part plus strength at maximum level of 50 for 17 races of development etc.
Gary Collyermedal 5002 7 years 327 days ago (edited 7 years 327 days ago)
You have seen this before James remember? My other team was the Frank Williams team that was also asking how the hell another team (Rick Donovan - Ridon) got design like that.