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medal 5000
7 years 287 days ago

I'm quite new to this game but i have some problems finding the best strategy for a race.
Is there anyway you can calculate with the information from the training how long your different tyres will last?
Or does someone have some other strategy tips for me?

Kind regards,
medal 5000
7 years 286 days ago
Welcome to the madhouse Floris,

We know a tyre has a 100% life span and after practice runs we see something like this:

Use the figures you get as a rough guide to how long each tyre will last.

Rough estimate of a tyre
SS 100/12=8.3
S 100/6=16.6
M 100/4=25
H 100/3= 33.3

How much of the tyre you want to use in a stint is up to you.

H 60% roughly 20 laps
M 60% roughly 15 laps
S 60% roughly 10 laps
SS 60% roughly 5 laps

Remember this is all just Estimated Figures, you may find you could run more or less laps. Hope this gives you a rough idea, Good Luck and have Fun.
medal 5000
7 years 285 days ago
In addition to what James has mentioned, which is spot on. You need to consider weight. A car with 45/50l of fuel can be a lot slower (in my opinion) that a car with 30/35l. So some times, it can be faster to stop more. Specially when you take James tyre details into consideration.
medal 5000
7 years 285 days ago (edited 7 years 285 days ago)
We can stop as many times as we like.

I need to start a petition to reduce the speed limit in the pit-lane again
medal 5000
7 years 204 days ago
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