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Great game Idea

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medal 5000
7 years 305 days ago
I don't know if it happens in other leagues but I don't understand why it is so buggy. Literally in today's Racing Fans Unite race it first made everyone ghost until lap 8(also we couldn't do anything in that time), and It has given us errors at least for 2/3 of the race. It is irriating at least three people being me, JD, Charles, and seems to irritate three more. In today's race I had 80%(Moss) used on one and about 50%(Ruiz) on another that was at lap 25 and took out Moss's boost. I would say it's my internet but I know that isn't the case when a UK person and someone on the opposite coast both report it as well. So my suggestion is can you actually check that everything works fine and fix it if it's not because this is weekly to every two races. I will laugh if it's just that IGP hates our league like I said.
medal 5000
7 years 305 days ago
How is this for internet.

It's likely me being online is slowing you down. Try switching to a different time
I'm running Edge & Opera on the one laptop for two teams at time 9:30pm
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