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Unsaved setup for next race

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medal 5000
7 years 248 days ago
Today my setup for the next race was replace by a setup that coresponding to a "perfect setup" for the weather contidion at this moment but my race is tomorrow and it's not the same weather.
I modify it, save it but when I go back, the setup wasn't saved and reset.

Is it a bug or a bad usage?

Sorry, my explanations in English may not be very clear (I'm french so I have an excuse, haven't? :P)
medal 5674 CEO & CTO
7 years 248 days ago
Hi Anthony, the "ideal setup" purchased changes all the time to whatever is ideal, right into the race start. It will be the ideal setup when the race begins, and it will override whatever is saved.
medal 5000
7 years 248 days ago
Ok, I've bought the ideal config so it's change according to the weather? .... ok it's good :) Thank you!
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