Alban Ressier medal 5000 7 years 314 days ago
Hi everybody !
Is it possible to buy a driver under contract directly to another manager without using the transfers list, if yes how to do it ?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 314 days ago
You can't poach another driver or staff member but providing the other manager is willing to release him/her it is possible.
1, First of all the "buying" manager should shortlist the driver to make it easier to jump directly to the driver.
2. Then the "selling" manager should sell the driver using the "Sell Now" option (not the "Auction" option).
3. Because the driver has been short listed, the buying Manager should get an email saying... "Driver Name, a driver you shortlisted, has been released from Team Name"
4. Regardless of whether or not the email has been received, the buying Manager can now go and hire the driver for a signing fee and three tokens.
The buying manager should act quickly after the driver is released because the driver will be available for anyone to hire. So if someone else has shorlisted the same driver and they're quicker off the mark..... You lose :-)

Alban Ressier medal 5000 7 years 314 days ago
Thanks a lot for your answer