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Design Chief not on the team after buying it

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medal 5000
7 years 299 days ago

A couple of days ago, i bought a new Design Chief, it cost me 9 tokens and after making the purchase, the tokens dissapear but the Design Chief wasn't on the crew.

medal 5440 CEO & CTO
7 years 299 days ago
Hi Jorge,
Nothing seems unusual in the log. Is it possible that the real bug was that your tokens total didn't update, making you think you had 9 more?

I can see that since joining you've made 4 bids (4 tokens) and 3 'buy now' offers (27 tokens). This all comes to 31 Tokens spent, and you started with 30 Tokens and have earned 1 Token from sponsorship. I have confirmed that you received all three of staff you bought via 'buy now', so in conclusion everything is as it should be.

My question remains though, did it say you had 9 Tokens when perhaps you didn't? If so then the real bug is that the total wasn't synced properly.
medal 5000
7 years 298 days ago
in the moment i made the purchase it was showing 9 tokens left on the screen, just the needed to make it. But when i made the buy, the tokens gone and the design chief wasn't on my team
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