Alex Snead medal 5000 7 years 259 days ago
I was wondering if at some point in the future it may be possible to enable leagues to choose to only allow managers in of a certain manager level. You get to Elite when you are level 8, and so long as you play well, you can manage not to demote - you'll never win, just pick up the odd point (in a competitive league), but you're probably looking at a couple of years of daily game play to get up to level 17,18 to be able to really compete. And that is if you play daily. I can only play once or twice a week - I'll probably not even get there in 10 years! If a league only allowed levels 1-5 or 5-10 or only level 20 even, it would mean you knew what you were getting into, you could race fairly with genuinely equal competitors.