Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
Sorry to say, I put up as much as I could, but I can't take it anymore. I am not using my bandwith anymore, I have 5mbit connection (constant), I know it isn't that much, but should suffice I think. I am disconnected from 10 seconds to 10 seconds. This is just unplayable ! I can't do anything, I cannot setup my strategy on-the-fly, this is useless. I have no restrictions whatsoever with my ISP, I am not using internet for anything when I am playing, yet those problems. I can't do anything. This, along with weather problems, which makes racing a lottery and another countless series of bugs, makes me wonder if I should play this anymore. I am so, so disappointed at the moment. Game has a lot of potential, but it just doesn't deliver at the moment.

Jack Basford medal 5237
CEO & CTO 13 years 42 days ago
To confirm the service has not been like this for everyone I have just checked with roughly a dozen others, racing today. They are not reporting anything like this and I'm sure if they were experiencing it they would post.
My only thought on how it could be the service is if it was related to peak times, since your races seem to happen then. We will pay close attention to races around that time and if we can rule out peak times as a cause, then it is more likely some specific circumstances.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
Anyhow, I can't seem to do anything, it doesn't do me any good, I am sure in the previous races, there were people from my league complaining as well, just ask Jamie Franklin for example. As I say, I am no internet expert, but I am 100% sure I am not restricted in any way by my ISP, nor I am using any proxy, firewall, etc. So, nothing for my part is obstructing traffic in any way. And it shouldn't be taking up that much. Just out of curiosity, how much should it take, according to you ?

Caio kiLL medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
Do you have tried change your browser?
Its all fine here with Google Chrome.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
Don't think it's browser related. After all, Java is platform independent.

Caio kiLL medal 5000 13 years 40 days ago
Dude, i have 30 players in my league, and NOONE have ANY problems like yours.
Try change your browser.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 40 days ago
Lucky them. Have you asked all of them ?

Caio kiLL medal 5000 13 years 40 days ago
Yes, because we all attended the same forum. I asked before on the forum and none of them has thisproblem.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 40 days ago (edited 13 years 38 days ago)
Just out of curiosity, how much should it take, according to you ?
I'm sorry about this Alin. You should be able to use the 2d viewer even on a 56k modem. So if you have a 5mbit connection that's easily good enough.
I'm curious what is causing the problem, since obviously we need to sort this even if it's only a small number of people experiencing this. Could you tell me what race you had this problem on? I'd imagine this one:
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-result/23688? Or has this been happening every race? Could you give me an idea how consistent it is, e.g. how many connection issues do you have per race, and do they all happen at once, or spread out?
Thanks for your help!

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 40 days ago
No, it wasn't the race you mentioned, the race you mentioned I didn't followed it, it was the day before, since it has a one day old timestamp. It's not happening all the time, I mean, it's happening every race, but not on a constant rate. Sometimes I get 5-6 disconnections per race, sometimes 30. Never lower than 3-4. Maybe my races are happening at peak hours, I don't know. But my case it's not singular. I ask people from my race via chat if it happened to them as well, when I get interruptions and most of the times I get positive response. I will follow tonight's race to see if persists. I will also switch from Firefox to Chrome, to see if it helps. As I mentioned, my 5 mbit line may not be much, but I assure you it's constant, unobstructed by anything and, as you said, it should suffice. Maybe it's a browser problem, will check, but I understood Java is powering the 2D viewer, shouldn't be too much browser related, in this case browser is mearly a shell, to my understanding.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 38 days ago
Thanks for the info. Yeah I doubt it's the browser. It should act as a shell as you put it, but there have been some really strange things happen inside Java applets only on Chrome, but not in other browsers, so you can never be sure!
How have your recent races been going?

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 38 days ago
Better. This last race I was disconnected only twice, but still have problems. Jamie Franklin, from my league got disconnected as well on one of those interruptions, you can ask him to confirm. By the way, I tried with Chrome too. Same problem. It's not the browser itself.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 35 days ago
OK, today's race was chaotic. I was disconnected like 15 times. I even got a Race not open error. And it's not me Andrew and Jack. Nick Randall from my league had the same problmes. He was disconnected at the exact times I was disconnected. And he says even from work he is having the same problems. It's not the browser, it's not the ISP, not computer, what is it ? :(

Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 35 days ago
The same thing happens to me every race, though not as often as it did to Alin today. It settled after a while while he kept disapearing.
I use Firefox and Safari, depending on whether I'm on my mac or PC and it happens on both. Also when it reconnects my Fuel strategy has gone to zero.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 35 days ago
I don't have that problem thankfully. Everyting resumes correctly, but nevertheless it's annoying. Sometimes tires gets too hot, sometimes I might want to do an early stop, sometimes I may want to save fuel, etc. My races suffer because of that.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 35 days ago
Sorry about this. Nick, could you say how many times you lost connection today? Also, have you noticed the fuel values going to zero like that before? That has been mentioned before but I haven't managed to reproduce the problem yet. Alin, I've sent you a PM.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 35 days ago
Got it and replied. Thanks.

Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 34 days ago
Sorry about this. Nick, could you say how many times you lost connection today? Also, have you noticed the fuel values going to zero like that before? That has been mentioned before but I haven't managed to reproduce the problem yet. Alin, I've sent you a PM.
I lost connection about 4 or 5 times. The fuel levels going to zero happens pretty much every race.
The other day I lost connection and the screen said Race not open. I refreshed the page and got back in luckily.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 34 days ago
Weirdest thing. Maybe it had an impact, maybe not. Today, for the first time, I downloaded something while I was playing. And game ran smoothly. Could it be that maybe the download flow was continuously and help game not losing connection ? Maybe I'm saying stupid things, just a thought. Tomorrow I won't be downloading and see if I get disconnected.
Nick, I also got a Race not open screen the other day.