Alban Ressier medal 5000 7 years 301 days ago (edited 7 years 301 days ago)
I created my own league but I wanted to start again in rookie, how is it possible?

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 301 days ago
Just create a new account, but you should then pull this account out of any leagues it is in.

Alban Ressier medal 5000 7 years 300 days ago
Sorry, it's not easy to understand everything, if I create a new account, I have to get out of my league with my current account and no longer use it, right ?

Duc Anh medal 5000 7 years 300 days ago
You can change host of a league to the new account from your old account

Alban Ressier medal 5000 7 years 300 days ago
Is it allowed to have 2 accounts?

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 300 days ago
Yes, there are even manager with 3 accounts and more. It's just considered bad manners to have more than one team racing in the same league and tier but I don't know if it's actually forbidden as such. Best thing would be to race in different leagues altogether, makes sense anyway since it's quite hard to manage two teams well at the same time.

Alban Ressier medal 5000 7 years 300 days ago
Thanks a lot for your answer and sorry for my bad english

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 299 days ago
You're welcome and no worries, it's not bad at all and it's just a forum anyway.