Al Mo medal 4919 7 years 300 days ago
I'm new to this, a question what's the lowest XP level you get recruit a talent 20 driver?

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 300 days ago
20 talent drivers are available at almost every level. However, you will go through the first 5-6 levels so quickly you are not really going to want to waste your time chasing that right away.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 299 days ago
Greg's advice is best.
I'll add in that they can be spotted as soon as level 5 or 6. However, they are very rare to find. I've been very successful with a former driver of mine whose talent was 17! I'm fortunate today to now have drivers whose talent levels are 20.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 299 days ago
Additionally talent counts into driver level as well and since it seems to work as a boost/multiplicator to the other skills instead of a skill in its own right too high talent too soon makes a driver slightly worse since the other skills are way lower compared to a driver with less talent of the same level. So far with my drivers it looks like talent starts to come into play once level is slightly lower than the talent skill and a driver whose talent is lower than the level starts to really fall behind.

Al Mo medal 4919 7 years 299 days ago
Thanks guys for your replies, i will wait a while before recruiting a new driver