Oriol Martinez Pujol medal 5000 7 years 264 days ago
Buenas estoy intentado entrar al juego con mi cuente d eFacebokk , pero no me dejar entrar.
que puedo hace
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 262 days ago
Did you create an account manually or use Facebook to sign in?
Oriol Martinez Pujol medal 5000 7 years 261 days ago
use facebook para crear la cuenta
Tommaso Sabìa medal 5000 7 years 260 days ago
Did you notice that this isn't a Spanish forum?
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 260 days ago
On Facebook, remove iGP Manager's permission to log in with Facebook.
To do this go to Settings in Facebook and look for the Apps tab. Remove iGP Manager from the list, then try to use iGP Manager to sign in with Facebook again.