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Loading Race Viewer

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medal 5000
7 years 296 days ago
Recently My race viewer is struggle to load, before the viewer update, If i load my viewer once after hard refresh, the next time it would load quickly like data was cached but now every time i open race viewer it start downloading 27mb data, very slowly
medal 5000
7 years 296 days ago
I have found a way to speed it up

Enable this flag in settings of the web browser:

WebGL Draft Extensions: Enabling this option allows web applications to access the WebGL Extensions that are still in draft status.

It will put it back to the superfast downloading.
medal 5000
7 years 296 days ago
Thanks but Not worked for me, still same, Every time loads from the scratch
medal 5000
7 years 296 days ago (edited 7 years 296 days ago)
What browser is it?

Loading times with poor connection from new (roughly! I didnt use a stop watch)

Edge 2.3 minutes
Opera 1.3 minutes with Draft Extensions 2.3 minutes without
Chrome 1.3 minutes with Draft Extensions 2.3 minutes without
Firefox 1.3 minutes with Draft Extensions 2.3 minutes without

This was all in spectator mode not sure if it loads faster than player mode or not.
medal 5000
7 years 295 days ago
Chrome, maybe it is about internet, i'm using 3G, its kinda slow, but Only recently i'm experience it, it takes 6-8 minutes to load before it only happened if i did a hard reset
medal 5000
7 years 295 days ago
3G as in mobile internet! Try Opera they have data saving browsers.

Opera Mini - Pick between two savings modes – high and extreme – Opera Mini is one of the world's most popular web browsers that works on almost any phone or tablet. Save up to 90% of your mobile data for free.

Opera Browser - Try out video compression to reduce stalling and buffering. Discover new content and speed up slow connections with our fast mobile browsers for Android and iOS.

Opera Coast - Opera Coast turns on data savings automatically when you're roaming or if your connection chokes. Experience the smoothest way to browse on iPhone and iPad.

medal 5044
7 years 295 days ago
But Opera is owned by a Chinese company. And that's scary!!!!
medal 5000
7 years 295 days ago
No, no. Hong Kong and they are friendly people they dont start wars they finish them lol
medal 5235 CEO & CTO
7 years 295 days ago
I am pretty sure in the last update it was set to reload the assets every time because people kept getting errors with cached data. I will run your situation past the others and see if there's any alternative for a future update.
medal 5000
7 years 294 days ago
I am pretty sure in the last update it was set to reload the assets every time because people kept getting errors with cached data. I will run your situation past the others and see if there's any alternative for a future update.

Yeah i guess maybe its something to do with that because it is happening after the last update, in Meanwhile I'm using The Android app for viewing the race, Its pretty smooth, Thanks Jack, and everyone
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