Steven Cavalli medal 5000 7 years 295 days ago (edited 7 years 295 days ago)
Hello guys, i have one question...
In the last race i finisched 1st anf 3th, but i lost reputation. from 5840 to 5838 (-2)...
Is it normal?

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 295 days ago
You have the highest reputation in a 3 person league. You need more and stronger competition, or you need to finish 1-2 every race, even then you probably will lose a little bit of rep.

Steven Cavalli medal 5000 7 years 295 days ago
oh...ok.... i must change league??? or i can wait this league become stronger???

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 294 days ago
Start talking to the rookies and find out how active and interested they are. It won't hurt for you to wait for the next batch of managers to be promoted. If you are truly concerned that there will be little interest from the teams in rookie, then it may be time to switch after your season ends

Steven Cavalli medal 5000 7 years 294 days ago
OK, ty so much, I will wait for next season and new rookies promotion....