John Doe medal 5000 7 years 291 days ago
I tried to use the livery editor in Chrome, Opera, Firefox and IE and I can't use it. I installed Unity Web Player and restart the browsers but it still doesn't work. Anyone can help me?
Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/fae0g4

Jordon Gonzales medal 5000 7 years 290 days ago
Looks like your browser doesn't recognize that you have the plugin installed. Have you gone into browser app settings to enable it?

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 7 years 290 days ago
I confirm that IE Explorer 32bits can open Unity WebPlayer.
I've also tried Safari once, and worked!
Mozilla, Chrome, Opera all have banned NPAPI plugins so Unity can't be used there.

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 290 days ago
I'm using W10 64 bits. I've already tried everything and it doesn't work. I'll just forget it and play the game, i think it won't affect my gameplay, will it?
And thank you both for trying to help me.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 290 days ago

Dani Belijar medal 5000 7 years 289 days ago
firefox version 51. unity player working. http://www.mediafire.com/file/d803gvkvzjzi9ye/Firefox+Setup+51.0.exe

Jeremy Jukich medal 5000 7 years 266 days ago
Confirmed, Safari works, I believe Version 5.1.7 for windows. Hope this helps. Literally downloaded that POS explorer for the sole purpose of editing the livery, and no it may not make the cars faster but it makes them better looking when fighting your way through the mid field waiting to be competitive hahaha