Jonathan Holmes medal 5000 7 years 287 days ago
Hi all,
I have a strange problem when trying to login. Every time I want to login to this account, I enter my Email and Password, then Hit "Login".
I am instantly given an "Incorrect Username/Password Error", except I know 100% that the details are correct.
After receiving the error, if I re-load the web-page, I am then logged into my account. The same also happens on the mobile app, when I reload the app, I am then logged into my account after receiving the above error.
Any ideas why this happens? It's not a game stopper, just annoying each time I am logging in! :D

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 7 years 286 days ago
Hi Jonathan, that is very unusual. The error should (obviously) only show up if something is incorrect. Is it this account you have the issue with?

Jonathan Holmes medal 5000 7 years 286 days ago
Hi Jack,
Yes this is the account I'm receiving the error on. I log-in using my Email/Password. I have a feeling the problem could be related to this message, which I received when trying to do a password reset as a test:
"Multiple accounts are using the same email address. This must be corrected to recover the account."
I suspect it's because my Facebook account uses the same email, and I know that is registered to the game too for a small league with friends.
I'll let you know the outcome once I've updated the emails!

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 7 years 280 days ago
Yes, that would be the problem. If you change the email address on one of these accounts it should stop occurring.