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Android app suggestions

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medal 5000
7 years 274 days ago (edited 7 years 273 days ago)
Excuse me if there is any similar thread already (search did not turn up anything)

You guys have done tremendous job so far & I really starting to enjoy the game, but at the same time would request you to give a look into following issues that can increase the user experience far better. all my suggestions here are for android app

1) back button doing nothing, and no direct way to close the app its annoying to close the app everytime from task manager

2) more than often the app live race takes 5~7 minutes to load on my xiaomi redmi note 4 pro device, for which I often loose initial advantage to other teams and have lots of catch up to do (tire heated too much/fuel consumption or KRES boost used up by driver in absence of me);

3) midpoint the game the race gets stuck (no movement of cars), when I leave & try to reconnect the app is stuck in loading resources or connecting... again loosing opportunities & having poor result in race.

4) when I am looking into other team's driver/staff profile, if I close the profile it closes the team page as well and return to the initial page. say I went to league>Rookie>Select Team1> select driver 1 (view profile)>close the driver 1 profile then I am sent back to Rookie page, so in effect to see both driver from the same team I have to go through multiple select..

Item 2/3 really needs fixing or it will really leave people dissatisfied & may leave the game (not that I am going to leave the game yet)... but when I was leading the race & get stuck out mid point and when I resume the game & find out that I had pitted 3 times & my driver is in position 6/7 it does really ticks me off :(
medal 5000
7 years 274 days ago
To 1 and 4: good suggestions, especially 4 did annoy me already on PC browser as well.

2 and 3 are a bit of a problem. They sound like issues that usually come up due to unstable or too slow data connection. It would be helpfull to know how your phone is connected while doing online racing. WIFI (public or private) or mobile carrier (3G, 4G).

You could try and use the web browser version to see if it runs better fot you. There's the additional option to try the Opera browser and enable its data compression feature.

The phone should be fine, I'm using the Redmi Note 3 Pro and the only problems are definitely connection issues here and probably the fault of that crappy cable router. I really need to replace that piece of junk.
medal 5000
7 years 273 days ago
HI Daniel, Good day.

well the issue 2/3 came up with both mobile 3G & home wifi...
unfortunately I am on linux & the web browser app takes forever to download (have not yet successfully loaded once)
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