Chris Albrecht medal 5015 7 years 283 days ago
Hi everyone,
I'm in the third season of running a league (American Open Wheel Series). Through the first couple of seasons, any time I removed an inactive player(s), all the spots were filled again within a day or so. All of a sudden, the flow of new managers has completely stopped, and I am puzzled as to why. Is it because of how the league search function works? Of course I would like my league to be more visible so more drivers can join, but would like to first understand how the game works so I have a better understanding of the situation. Any ideas?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 283 days ago
I took a look at your league and would recommend not kicking inactive players right away unless the league is entirely full. Not only does having less than 8 players in each tier disable promotion for that tier, but not having a full or almost full tier could push down your league from appearing in unfiltered/filtered search results.

Chris Albrecht medal 5015 7 years 283 days ago
Thanks. That must be what it was. We had a full tier and then there were several inactive at once, and that's when the flow of managers stopped. I just assumed it would be as consistent as it had always been. Is there anything else I can do now other than recruit on the forum?

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 283 days ago
Check with friends, go in the off topic section of forums of other interests, other racing forums...