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Temporada 2 - Season 2, comienza temporada - Start season

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medal 5000
7 years 271 days ago
Hola amigos,
Ayer comenzamos la 2da temporada con 9 pilotos corriendo a diario.
El horario de las carreras es a las 23h00 española, carreras de Domingo a Jueves.
De momento no hay ascensos ya que queremos ser una liga activa

Si deseas unirte estas a tiempo:
Liga: Real F1
Pass: sergio

Hi friends,
Yesterday starts 2nd season with 9 managers playing all days, the schedule is over 23h00 spanish time and the races are Sunday to Thursday.
For the moment we are only rookies because i want to be an active group.of people.

If you want to add league are on time:
Name: Real F1
Pass: Sergio
medal 5000
7 years 270 days ago
Ya somos 10 pilotos jugando a diario, unete! Te lo pasaras en grande!

Now are 10 managers playing all days, join up! You'll have a great time!
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