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Leagues racing and hosting races

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medal 5000
7 years 268 days ago
I'm reallyyy confused how the heck do i start a race in this game very little info on that what tab should i be in when i start a race missing races so far and i'm pissed please someone help me
medal 5000
7 years 268 days ago
First of all you can only race a maximum of 1 time in 24 hours and you have been league hopping. Your previous league was at 16:30 (my time) and your current is 16:00 which is less than 24 hrs apart.

As for racing...not sure why you have done zero races in your previous league. You have staff and drivers. Do you have engine, fuel and tire suppliers?

If you have everything, the cars will attempt to qualify even if you forget to practice and set a strategy.
medal 5000
7 years 268 days ago
Thanks and btw why did no one set a qualifying lap ? I get that I was league hoping but no one set a quali lap why is that isn't it automatic? I mean you can only do one race a day I get that but what are the penalties for league hoping I was doing it only because no one was active in those leagues. So yeah I guess ill just wait for the penalty to go?
medal 5000
7 years 268 days ago
You can practice and adjust setup and strategy right up to 10 minutes before the start of the race. At that time you are locked out and qualifications start and can take 5-8 minutes.

If you are ok with the race times in your current league, use this season to learn the game and the time to scout another more active league. Then if you move when your season is over, you should not face any penalties.
medal 5000
7 years 268 days ago
Ok thanks a lot really helped but I was really confused why that happened
medal 5000
7 years 268 days ago
What's confusing is that when I joined my first league it was starting at 20:00 (my time) I hoped on at 19:45 and I was waiting for me to get in the race but the race never happened why is that? Its weird because I wasn't league hoping then It was my first league
medal 5000
7 years 268 days ago
And when I want to get in a race does the app launch the race itself or do I click somewhere?
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 268 days ago
Hi Andrej, thanks for your feedback first of all, it's always insightful to hear what new players find confusing or sometimes (as may be the case here) to learn of a bug.

And when I want to get in a race does the app launch the race itself or do I click somewhere?

For now you'll need to launch the app around when your race starts to join it. We want to add a notifications system but have other projects coming first.

I would suggest checking that your timezone is set correctly. This may be why the "go to race" buttons did not appear in the interface yesterday. Please set it in the settings page *without* DST applied: Our system automatically adds DST. E.g. Currently Britain is set to GMT+1 (summer time) but it should be set as GMT +0 on an account in Britain.

This is the same way Microsoft Windows works with setting the time on the clock. Our system is also supposed to detect this automatically so you don't have to set it, but lately I've been hearing of examples where it is incorrect, so it's something I'll look in to soon.
medal 5000
7 years 268 days ago (edited 7 years 267 days ago)
Okay thanks for the reply but I've never seen the go to race button. And it only says next race today at 20:00 I'm guessing that's my time but I will look into It now
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