Hola! anoche pasó una cosa bastante extraña en mi liga. Tuve el DRS activado toda una vuelta entera...y volé de forma algo irreal pasando a 4 coches en una sola vuelta. No me pareció normal que me equivocase con el combustible y tuviese que parar en la ultima vuelta...y aún así saliera de boxes como un tiro y adelantara a 4 coches en una solta vuelta. Creo que es un BUG del DRS. No sé de que forma lo pueden comprobar, alguien del soporte técnico? mis rivales logicamente andan mosqueados con ese tema, incluso alguno puede sospechar que hago trampa...lo cual no es agradable para mi, ya que no tengo culpa de nada. Mi liga es https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=12045 y la carrera fué la ultima del campeonato Abu Dhaby. Por suerte ya estaba todo decidido... Si necesitan mas información diganmelo!. Gracias.
Hello! A strange thing happened in my league last night. I had the DRS activated a whole lap ... and I flew in a rather unrealistic way, passing 4 cars in a single lap. I did not think it was normal for me to go wrong with the fuel and I had to stop at the last lap ... and still get out of the pits like a shot and overtake 4 cars in a single lap. I think it's a DRUG BUG. I do not know how you can check, someone from the technical support? My rivals logically are mottled with that subject, even some may suspect that I cheat ... which is not nice for me, since I am not guilty of anything. My league is https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=12045 and the race was the last of the Abu Dhabi championship. Luckily it was all decided ... If you need more information tell me !. Thank you.