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Bug para treino Livre

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medal 5000
7 years 257 days ago
Uma sacanagem o que fizeram com a minha equipe.
Tentei de todas formas fazer o Treino livre e o mesmo deu bugs varias vezes.

Investi em tokens mas desta forma fico inconformado com o game pois perdi toda a configuração do carro e todo investimento que fiz para essa corrida.

Serei muito prejudicado e acredito que não será somente a minha conta que sofrei tal Bug..

Segue a baixo o print do Bug...
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 257 days ago
Hi João, sorry about that. There was an issue last night with load on the servers. We're looking to schedule maintenance at the earliest opportunity to resolve the cause. It should be tomorrow.

In the meantime your league should be working again now.
medal 5000
7 years 257 days ago
Hi João, sorry about that. There was an issue last night with load on the servers. We're looking to schedule maintenance at the earliest opportunity to resolve the cause. It should be tomorrow.

In the meantime your league should be working again now.

jack, maybe a refund of some of his tokens for optimum setup would be in order? just saying.... :-/
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