Ionutz Silviu medal 5000 7 years 233 days ago
Is it something wrong with the game? Bug? Everything shows 0 to me - tires, fuel consumption, etc
Jayden Stafford medal 5000 7 years 233 days ago
Usually means thrre was a data ineruption
Ionutz Silviu medal 5000 7 years 233 days ago
For 10 times??? Both cars, no data... Can any game developer please fix this issue?
Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 232 days ago
This has been reported several times and it's related to high demand on the servers.
Why would you keep running laps with out reviewing the feedback from your driver's?
Jack Basford medal 5404 CEO & CTO 7 years 232 days ago
Sorry to hear about this Ionutz. I see the laps you are referring to in your history. It seems you have done more since and they are working okay?