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medal 5000
7 years 254 days ago

Which one is correct??? My setup seems to be for rain but it says its not raining after i practiced.. I bpught setup with tomens because of weather confusion
medal 5000
7 years 254 days ago
The track is definitely wet based on your times with each compound and the setup.

Perhaps it is scattered storms and that just happens to be a dry sky moment in between.
medal 5000
7 years 254 days ago
Well greg a little bit ago the forecast showed clear as the practice window showed rain.. I have those screen shots as well.. As if the forcast is one step behind practice window.. And the screen shots were taken within seconds of eachother
medal 5000
7 years 254 days ago
The ss was from when practice window showed rain and forecast showed dry.. And that lap i had it setup as 15 and 15 getting ready to do setup..
medal 5088
7 years 253 days ago
Though the game may report that there is no rain currently, there is always a chance the track is wet. I've experienced this condition before.
medal 5000
7 years 253 days ago
With the magic of new iGP's lack of a HQ weather station, and surprise weather conditions different from those in practice, you have to use your gut. Always trust your gut. Or not.

Does it say sunny when your lap times in dry tyres are much slower than lap times set in pure, perfect, dry conditions? Ask your gut, and if your gut says, "I think the rain is just invisible right now. It'll suddenly show itself in the race, yeah, I'm perfectly sure" then whoa-la! Perhaps prepping a strat suitable for wet conditions could be a gamble that works. Oh! Also, I find that during conditions of invisible rain, you could stick on some ss for qualy, and if it does rain in the race and the game considers it as a race starting in wet conditions, you'll start on inters and on pole, because a bubble of perfect dry weather would have come to everyone's aid (the ss runners' aid) in qualy just moments before the invisible rain shows itself in the race. Fantastic strategic masterstroke!

Seriously though, you've got to wing it over a nice, cool drink sometimes.

medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
Just a question,
the weather @ Weather Forecast Button at Race tab of NEXT Race doesn't use the same data from the Race weather.
I tried to refer the spectate a race for the actual water level (mm) for testing W or I there i found at the Race the water level is 3.1 mm and rain is still on where as at weather forecast its showing not raining, refer below
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
Im going to throw a wild guess as i haveny had much rain in the time ive playwd.. But the sun with cloudz probably means spotty rain
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
They use the same basic data but the different parts of the game are far from being synced and so they differ in how much they lag behind the real weather data. This even applies for the races of the different tiers so Rookie can have rain since a quarter of an hour ago and Elite is still dry.
medal 5000
7 years 244 days ago
Wow and all I do is my practise laps when I can to get the right setups.

I've got soo much to learn haha

With the magic of new iGP's lack of a HQ weather station, and surprise weather conditions different from those in practice, you have to use your gut. Always trust your gut. Or not.

Does it say sunny when your lap times in dry tyres are much slower than lap times set in pure, perfect, dry conditions? Ask your gut, and if your gut says, "I think the rain is just invisible right now. It'll suddenly show itself in the race, yeah, I'm perfectly sure" then whoa-la! Perhaps prepping a strat suitable for wet conditions could be a gamble that works. Oh! Also, I find that during conditions of invisible rain, you could stick on some ss for qualy, and if it does rain in the race and the game considers it as a race starting in wet conditions, you'll start on inters and on pole, because a bubble of perfect dry weather would have come to everyone's aid (the ss runners' aid) in qualy just moments before the invisible rain shows itself in the race. Fantastic strategic masterstroke!

Seriously though, you've got to wing it over a nice, cool drink sometimes.

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