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Upgrade the android version

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medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
Hi, I would like to ask the developers an important question: WHEN DO YOU UPGRADE THE ANDROID VERSION? I downloaded igp manager some months ago and I have always had lots of problems while I watched my race online on my mobile phone, following the race on pc is amazing but when do you fix the bug for the mobile phone? It ALWAYS crashes during my race, I can watch it just few seconds before it crashes, please fix this and this will become the best game of F1 manager for all the devices! Thanks for listening and sorry for my english writing
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
I have andeoid and mine works fine
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
I have andeoid and mine works fine

Even when you watch the race on your phone?

medal 5088
7 years 247 days ago
What model of phone do you have?
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
lower the viewer quality to medium My guess is you click that link on the phone and it opens it, in the phones web browser
medal 5000
7 years 246 days ago
What model of phone do you have?

My phone is horrible but some friends of mine have my same problems on better devices too
medal 5088
7 years 245 days ago
Can you try what James suggested? I'd personally set the viewer to the lowest quality and try to see if it loads the race viewer.
medal 5000
7 years 244 days ago
Can you try what James suggested? I'd personally set the viewer to the lowest quality and try to see if it loads the race viewer.

I always watch the race on the lowest quality but it keeps crashing after some minutes
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