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Grid Penalties

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medal 5000
7 years 242 days ago
I think in the future more league host options will be available. Until then I suggest giving the league host the option to give grid penalties would be a good temporary solution.

If I want my league to have a 2 compound rule, I can assign a 10 place grid penalty for breaking this rule. Not a perfect system, it requires the host to either notice the infraction or someone else to report it (then the host can look at the race results to confirm). There's also the possibility of a host abusing this power - which to me isn't a real concern.

I understand, having drive through penalties and stuff during a race would be difficult to implement (difficult to code). But the grid penalty feature seems quite simple and straight forward.
medal 5000
7 years 242 days ago
That's ok as long as people dont get pushed back just because they are doing too well.
medal 5000
7 years 242 days ago
Thats ok.But what will happen if some inactive managers use the default strat.Then the default strat would have to be changed too
medal 5000
7 years 242 days ago
Managers discretion ... but I think the league owners that would be using this feature would be booting inactive managers anyway.
medal 5000
7 years 237 days ago
Thanks Man
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