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KERS has no effect with DRS

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medal 5000
7 years 242 days ago
Is this meant to actually be a thing?
medal 5000
7 years 242 days ago
Cars have a limited top speed.
Maxed out DRS allows the cars to reach that top speed.
Only low level Technology cars get any benefit from using the two at once. Otherwise you are only wasting the boost.
medal 5088
7 years 241 days ago
Cars have a limited top speed.
Maxed out DRS allows the cars to reach that top speed.
Only low level Technology cars get any benefit from using the two at once. Otherwise you are only wasting the boost.

Well then, can't wait to be level 20 to get that kind of speed from DRS haha
medal 5000
7 years 241 days ago
The difference in DRS is just shocking some cars don't even close the gap to the car ahead with DRS on it's own.
With great knowledge of it now, they should maybe Edit it slightly & have only 3-4 versions of DRS
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