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Problem with a construction

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medal 5000
7 years 243 days ago
24 hours have been added to a building construction ...
It has happened to someone else this problem? Will they make up for the lost time ??
medal 5088
7 years 243 days ago
What was the time to complete construction before 24 hours was added?
medal 5000
7 years 243 days ago
It is just confusing. & hard to explain.
5day build
4d23h59m = first day
3d23h59m = second day (when first day clock resets, shows still 4d until clock reaches 20h then it changes to 3d)
2d23h59m = third day (when second day clock resets, shows still 3d until clock reaches 20h then it changes to 2d)
1d23h59m = fourth day (when third day clock resets, shows still 2d until clock reaches 20h then it changes to 1d)
23h59m = fifth day (when fourth day clock resets, shows still 1d until clock reaches 20h then it changes to just hours)

Does it with them all 2day 3day or 5day builds.
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
7 years 225 days ago
James, are you saying there's no bug? I'm just trying to understand the problem. I tried to see if I could create any kind of bug with this but the countdown was always correct.
medal 5000
7 years 225 days ago
It's a timing issue
24hrs makes a day but it takes over 24hrs for it to change.

Much the same as this

It will continue to say Wednesday even after midnight, it will change to say Today at 1am.
medal 5000
7 years 225 days ago
It is just confusing. & hard to explain.
5day build
4d23h59m = first day
3d23h59m = second day (when first day clock resets, shows still 4d until clock reaches 20h then it changes to 3d)
2d23h59m = third day (when second day clock resets, shows still 3d until clock reaches 20h then it changes to 2d)
1d23h59m = fourth day (when third day clock resets, shows still 2d until clock reaches 20h then it changes to 1d)
23h59m = fifth day (when fourth day clock resets, shows still 1d until clock reaches 20h then it changes to just hours)

Does it with them all 2day 3day or 5day builds.

You're absolutely right. And when you want to use tabs to advance the build time, add time and also tokens to spend ... is a problem.
medal 5000
7 years 217 days ago
There is a change in the running now. Wonder if anyone can spot it.

Should of said 3D already.

When it did change after an hour the clock went back an hour too.
medal 5000
7 years 216 days ago
Should be saying 2d already

I'll be back after the race with the 2d image.
medal 5000
7 years 216 days ago

medal 5000
7 years 43 days ago
I'm having this exact same bug!

It should be on the last 24 hours but instead it says 1d23h56min left, so to speed up the process instead of 5 tokens the game is asking for 10.

How can I override this problem?
medal 5088
7 years 32 days ago
Hi Rui, you can't override this problem, unfortunately.

Our developers have been investigating how to fix this but it has proven difficult to find the cause.
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