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New members joining elite?

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medal 5000
7 years 237 days ago
We have two drivers that joined the league but weren't placed in the rookie league, they were placed in elite.

These two seem experienced so maybe the game did this intentionally, and if so I think this should be considered a bug because they are the only ones sitting in Elite right now! We haven't filled up enough Pro managers to have promotion to Elite.

Can these guys be moved down to rookie or pro?
medal 5000
7 years 237 days ago

If you move league you move to the same tier as you left.

So Elite teams will always to Elite, Pro to Pro, Rookie to Rookie. There is no way to move them down.

medal 5000
7 years 237 days ago
Unless they got relegated ofc
medal 5000
7 years 236 days ago
Understood. It's a shame cuz if these guys stay they'll be in elite all alone for a couple months until we promote some folks.
medal 5000
7 years 236 days ago
You will be surprised. Once one or 2 join more will follow.
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