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Pre season practices ?

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medal 5000
7 years 231 days ago
It would be great to have a chance to further develop the car after your crew has created it.

Perhaps the pre season tests could determine, along with the Chief designer and technical director, how good your car is gonna get.
The way I see it, we could have something like 20 laps to develop a program to improve the car in an area chosen by the player. ie. You choose to focus on acceleration for 5 laps (out of the 20) and you get a bonus in that area, then five other laps in another area and so on until you've used all your 20 laps.

Some player may want to choose to spend all 20 laps in only one area. There are lots of possibilities

What you guys think?
medal 5000
7 years 231 days ago
medal 5000
7 years 228 days ago
sim isso mesmo
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