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How do you qualify better? What impacts qualifying?

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medal 5000
7 years 197 days ago
I understand the tires you are on in the first stint are the tires you use in qualifying. So assume everyone is on supersofts. In my league, i routinely qualify at about 9th, thought i will win races and finish in the top 3 in the Championship.

So how do i improve my qualifying? My driver is 26, 20 talent, trained to 20 on all characteristics, 100% healthy, 46kg.

I understand in qualifying, all cars use the same fuel level and push level. So how do i improve my qualifying?

This seems to only have been a problem since going to the new iGPManager.
medal 5000
7 years 188 days ago
Good question! I want to know if health impacts on qualifying.
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