Marius Golombeck medal 5000 13 years 22 days ago
Suggestion is that it could be possible to change league settings after league creation, possibly with a unanimous vote or the likes.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 22 days ago
Seems like a good idea especially if there are development changes during the season.
It would have to be unanimous though.

Jeroen Ursem medal 5000 13 years 21 days ago
Sound like a good idea, you got my vote :)

Scott Ruthven medal 5000 13 years 20 days ago
I have had requests from more races a week from some drivers in my league.
So, I vote a YES on being able to alter the league.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 13 years 19 days ago
I will try and fit this in to the Q1 patch, though it will have to be a change that happens between seasons, rather than immediately. Partly because to do it during the season is hugely complex, but also because it makes more sense to do it that way.
It's very disruptive sometimes if the host can just change the entire schedule overnight. If it was between seasons though, then people who are uncomfortable with the changes can leave without incurring penalties.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 19 days ago
+1 Jack - I wouldn't want league hosts changing the goalposts during the season that would be open to abuse, other than by a unanimous vote.
Even then - if one guy doesn't want a change and everyone else did, then the rest of his time in that league might be made to be pretty unpleasant!
So I think your suggestion is best.

Niels Tieman medal 5000 13 years 16 days ago
Maybe a vote system wil cover the abuse. If the host changed (big things) within a season 75% of the players need to agree on the change before it happens. If the admin changed it for the next season, no votes are needed.