Oriol Romero Pacheco medal 5000 7 years 200 days ago
Estoy muy enfadado con todos los managers del juego. llevo mas de 3 meses intentado vender mis pilotos reserva y nadie los compra. siempre igual.
los otros managers siempre compran pilotos de 1/2 o 3 estrellas cuando son de 4.5 estrellas mis pilotos. arreglar esto porque no es normal que lleve 3 meses así.

Oriol Romero Pacheco medal 5000 7 years 200 days ago
I am very angry with all the managers of the game. I've been trying to sell my pilots for over 3 months and no one buys it. Always the same
The other managers always buy 1/2 or 3 star pilots when they are 4.5 star my riders. Fix this because it is not normal that it takes 3 months like this.

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 200 days ago
You can just sell your driver outright instead of trying to put them up in the transfer market. This should have been apparent after 2 weeks of them not being bought. Second, you could have advertised the sale in the proper forum.
Lastly, if you are trying to sell either of your current active drivers, I can tell you by the time managers get to your level they are VERY unlikely to buy drivers with such low talent. Perhaps if you had trained their physical stats (20 stamina and 51 kg weight) before they became a higher level than you there might have been interest.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 200 days ago
It's actually normal... Newbie managers tend to waste tokens buying the lowest leveled before realizing it's a better idea to save up for later.
And if you have a 20 Talent 4 time champion driver (like I did), they would be of a high level, say level 18 (like my 4 time champion...) and thus be super duper expensive. A transfer fee of over 10m or even 15m and a salary of 1.3-1.5m a race.
While you can get 20 talent drivers from driver academy at lvl 4-5 and thus with a salary of only around 300k.
That's why... selling drivers through auctions in this game is suffering...

Austin William medal 5000 7 years 200 days ago
I have a 17yr old driver with everything maxed except experience and he won't even sell. All of my recent drivers have come from the academy and I assume that's what most people are doing.