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Tyres for Monza

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medal 5000
7 years 166 days ago
I'm gonna run Monza for the first time and reading a lot how fast that track is. It means that the tyres will heat more. The weather forecast indicates 18 to 26 degrees, but at the race's time it should be around 20. At that temperature, I usually put S tyres, but considering that's a super fast track, it would be interesting to consider M or H tyres even around 20º?

medal 5000
7 years 166 days ago
I always have trouble with Monza so I can't really help you too much, but don't use mediums. You could always spectate another Monza race if you can find one and see how well each tire is doing.
medal 5000
7 years 166 days ago
in monza the best estrategy is soft-medium, i finish 1-2 with one driver S-M and the other S-S-S but the first driver finish 10 seconds ahead and my 2 drivers are very similar
medal 5000
7 years 166 days ago (edited 7 years 166 days ago)
Estimated Tyre Life
7laps SS
15laps S
30laps M
40laps H

Use whatever tyre you want for a long as you want, can stop as many times as you like ;)
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