Andrei Daroczi medal 5000 7 years 195 days ago (edited 7 years 195 days ago)
It seams to like that in this game if you want to have a good pace, we, (all managers), need to buy tokens with real money or need to buy with real money, game money to supply our budget.
i played 4 races, after every race i lose 3,5 M.
I play three races with 1 single car league every week.
It's a stupid bug OR i have a poor management OR this game can't play without real money?
cars -800.000
wages -864.000
headquarters 0
investment 0
prize money 1,950.000
tehnology 0
sponsors 59,600
others -4,270.000 (what is here: signees fees of old driver?)
profit/loss -3,872.000
primary sponsor income: 3 tokens + 468k/race
secondary sponsor income: 1,500.000/race
driver salary 6 starts: 391K/race
chief designer 3 stars: 188K/race
tehnical director 3 stars: 187K/race
doctor 3 stars: 190K.race
i have 1,5 start at design level. I develop right now boost tehnology to could have drs and kers like other on my league.
facilities are so expensive to develop.
what i do wrong here? in next 8 races i will not have enogh money to buy anything.
i finished on 14/11/11/8 place in all my 4 igp races.
more than that, i watched on my history finances.
i think a pay double/triple or even more on supplied components.
24 aug 2017/
supplied components -50.000 at 21.24
supplied components 350.000 at 21.24
supplied components -50.000 at 21.23
supplied components -100.000 at 15.02
supplied components -50.000 at 15.02
supplied components -500.000 at 15.02
supplied components 100.000 at 15.02
supplied components -50.000 at 15.02
in 22 august 2017 again, the same...
in 19 august 2017 i play double again:
supplied components 50.000 15.02
supplied components 100.000 15.02
supplied components -500.000 at 15.02
supplied components -50.000 at 15.02
supplied components 100.000 at 15.02
but why i play triple or more supplied components? at 15.00 is over the race, but at 21.24 i did nothing to spend any money!
Just tell me what to do to increase me budget WITHOUT REAL MONEY INVESTS, otherwise i will delete my account (with e-mail adress).
question: if a delete my acount, (becouse needs to play with real money), and in 5-10 years i will have more real income salary, if i start a new account, i can use the same e-mail deleted with this account?

Rose Garin medal 5000 7 years 195 days ago (edited 7 years 195 days ago)
24th Aug. The supplied components
Bottom 5 are what is always there. Fuel and Tyres always pay out twice.
Top 3 are the new suppliers you changed to.
You just need to manage building, staff & drivers a little better. With the right sponsors you should be able to make money.
If you have any reserve drivers or staff that are not in use, boot them out to save money. Sell in auction or sell now.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 195 days ago
Hi Andrei.
First. Please do not post in multiple threads about the same question at once. Creating a new thread in the Help & Support forum was the correct thing to do.
Secondly, you are managing your finances poorly. In another post, you mentioned you would go into debt within 9 races. I have a new account I created to test how difficult it is to manage a new team and it is not difficult at all. Of course, each individual experience on success in various leagues will vary. But the goal is to not spend cash so much. Just see for yourself what this new account has completed in 13 races.
The only big expenditures have been constantly upgrading the Design facility, now level 7, and signing new drivers to the team. I even got lucky and auctioned off a driver I did not want and that was an extra +$5m in the coffers. Otherwise, even at $12 million in the bank, the account is very healthy for where it is at.

Andrei Daroczi medal 5000 7 years 195 days ago (edited 7 years 195 days ago)
First of all, thank you for your words. I just wanted a simple financiar guide to help me in this start.
Secondly, you said that started a new test account. I noted fast that after races, you lose more than 17 m.
Do you know what i feel about this? Well, i feel that even with acurate management, this game can t play without real money to boost lost money race by race. I like this game, the posibility to enter live in your driver head and force him to make pits or to say him to use boost is awsome.
If you tell me and others who have the same bad negative financial after every race, i will delete my account and start a new one and play more carefully.
Even with your patience and knowledge you got debs, how i can learn to play without real money?

Andrei Daroczi medal 5000 7 years 195 days ago
Rose garin. If you managed profit in this game, learn me how to do things good here. Even i will not change my driver, td,cd, dr i think that i lose money becouse in this game we don t gain money according with what places we start and finish the races like in other games, for exemple gpro.net
I think that even with good informations regardibg management, we can t play without real money.
If is a manager who play seasons by seasons and got profit, without real money, please post here all actions that you do, as you remember, starting with 1 st race. What you do exactly?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 195 days ago
It looks like you want an instructional manual showing step by step on how to play the game. Defeats the purpose of managing a team on your own.
You can make multiple accounts to learn and gain experience if you like or have the time.
It's one of the best ways to learn the game.

Andrei Daroczi medal 5000 7 years 195 days ago (edited 7 years 195 days ago)
multiple accounts is possible here?
1. if i delete that my account with e-mail and then i will make one to start from the start with the same e-mail, it s possible or i need to make another e-mail?
2. as you explained on your test account, even i will not change TD, CD, DR, Driver, only with developpment of staff, in one season i will not have budget of all. in 13 races you lost more than 17 M. So, i don t saw another way to play this game without real money. I don t ask nobody to share step by step what i need to do to play like a elite champion, but is not fair to play rational with calm and get debts. i learned all guide, i watched on youtube all videos about "Igp manager episode 1-7" you can find yourself too, it s easy. there nothing to do without real money dear MODERATOR..

Kee Cheyenne medal 5000 7 years 195 days ago
You earn money through sponsors. They have both fixed payments and sponsor bonuses.
You tend to profit when you hit your race objectives and get your sponsor bonuses. Not hitting them may cause you to lose 1 or 2 million per race.
As long as you don't buy new drivers every other day and waste money through signing fees, don't keep switching suppliers as they have an initial fee the moment you switch, don't have staff which is too expensive, you shouldn't be losing 3.5m every race.
Alternatively, you may be plagued by a bug, which if so, ask a dev to take a look.
On a side note, upgrading the HQ is expensive, but helps you in the long run. It is not unusual to lose a few million $ with every level you upgrade your Design, Technology, and Manufacturing facilities (the 3 most important buildings).

Andrei Daroczi medal 5000 7 years 195 days ago
i have 468K and 1,5 m sponsors every race. i i will delete my account with e-mail and start another one to could ake better decisions, i could play from my deleted e-mail? start a new account with the same adress? I don t want to make another e-mail.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 194 days ago
Lose money by having drivers and staff you dont need:

I have 4 drivers, 3 CD's, a TD & DR.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 194 days ago
If i was to sell extra people, the secondary sponsor alone covers my wages & suppliers payments 2,997,600 paying out a race.

Andrei Daroczi medal 5000 7 years 194 days ago
How much are your wages and how much your sponsor give you? I race with one car only, so i have only two sponsors.
Your secondary sponsor give you altmost 3,000,000? How on earth is possibile?

dan ruglio medal 5000 7 years 194 days ago
after training, doctor 1 star. and YDAcademy drivers and you will come back ;)
no extra staff

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 194 days ago
Multiple accounts are permitted. You can start over again on a new account if you like. Before you do, you need to change the e-mail address registered to your current account to a different one, so you can re-use it. You can change this in your account settings.
My test account lost $16 million throughout the season because of aggressive investments in facilities. I didn't have to, but I did so. I maintained flexibility on gaining 3 tokens per race in which I can either use for cash investments to recoup my costs or use them to buy new staff when the time is right.

Keith Zammit medal 5000 7 years 194 days ago
I've trained one of my drivers to a level that is over my maximum. Can I still use him for the races? If no will it be possible to race with one car until I reach the necessary level? What can I do to solve this problem please?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 193 days ago (edited 7 years 193 days ago)
I've trained one of my drivers to a level that is over my maximum. Can I still use him for the races? If no will it be possible to race with one car until I reach the necessary level? What can I do to solve this problem please?
There is no "maximum", it is only that you are unable to hire drivers higher than your manager level. The driver, if he is on your team and exceeds your manager level after hiring him, he will race.

Stefano Tonet medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
L unica con i gettoni.. o sbaglio?

Stefano Tonet medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
O ci sono altri modi?

Stefano Tonet medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
3 o 4 come posizione ad ogni corsa comunque nn basta... xchè mi sta succedendo e sono sempre in rosso.. mi sembra esagerato forse...

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 193 days ago
Hi Stefano, please write in English when you are outside of the foreign language forum! Thank you.