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How active is your league?

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medal 5000
7 years 101 days ago
How active is your league?
medal 5000
7 years 101 days ago
My league is full un both the pro and elite leagues 16 teams in each.
We only have 5 rookie players though.

F1 lewis hamilton league. 1.5 speed. 2 cars. Races everyday 5pm gmt.
medal 5000
7 years 100 days ago
How active is your league?

Hi Rahul you're more than welcome to join our league. We have a very active league, with Rookie Full and Pro has 1 space left, however we only have 5 elite players (all 5 play live) which includes myself and 4 other active players. We are all Level 9 so you will be very competitive if you were to join Elite or Pro.

We play 1pm UK time Mon-Sun 75% race and next season will be 100% race speed 2.0x.
medal 5393
7 years 100 days ago
My league is pretty active. Still new enough to be filling Elite but Rookie and Pro are usually full. We like to talk, too.
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