Roma Capitale medal 5000 7 years 170 days ago
I have a problem with a troll in my league forum.
How can I block him?

Dhia Akhsya Revananto medal 5000 7 years 170 days ago
I'm by no means the staff here, but I can help you with one question:
Are you the league owner?
If you are, then there must be an option to do that (I never own a league so far, apologies).
If you aren't, then contact the league owner to do that.
But, if the owner is inactive and this is a serious problem for you, you can ask for league takeover in this thread: https://igpmanager.com/forum-thread/8101
Thank you and enjoy the game!

Rory G. Rojas medal 5000 7 years 170 days ago
I had a similar problem recently and unfortunately there is no option to block trolls as owner. The only option is to contact the staff of the game so that they can solve it if they can.

Dhia Akhsya Revananto medal 5000 7 years 170 days ago
I had a similar problem recently and unfortunately there is no option to block trolls as owner. The only option is to contact the staff of the game so that they can solve it if they can.
Ah, thanks for the info mate! Guess Jack should consider adding the option for league owners to block particular players...

Mauro Della Serra medal 5000 7 years 170 days ago (edited 7 years 169 days ago)
It would be enough to let write league participants only .
League owner can decide whether or not have a public forum

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 169 days ago
There hasn't been a system yet to report players or take action against them yet, but considering instances like this seem to be increasing a little by little it may become more necessary to deliver one.