Kilo Alpha Romeo medal 5202 7 years 167 days ago
This happens from time to time during timing whereby the health drops off in chunks but the improvement reaped is perhaps 2-3 points. Then there are times when the training returns +8-10 points for the same loss in health.
Why is this?

Al Mo medal 4933 7 years 167 days ago
Your Level 8 and your Driver is Level 9, at the moment your driver stars are yellow but if they go red it stops you training at the full rate. Keep training Physical for a while which will make you go faster

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 167 days ago
Age also drops the progress 40+ driver has 4% progress even if have yellow stars, but that doesn't affect you yet.
I see one of your drivers is missing a flag or maybe it's just not showing to me?
Ali El-morssy medal 5000 7 years 166 days ago
You're Manager level is 8 and your driver is level 9, therefore the development progress will only increase by +3 per click. Regarding the health, this depends upon the star rating of your Doctor. 5 star = -10% health, 4 star -11% health and so on...