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When does your driver age?

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medal 5000
7 years 134 days ago (edited 7 years 134 days ago)
In the guide it says that your driver will age at a rate of 1 year per 20 races. Does this mean that even if he/she is in the reserves and do not race, that they will still age by 1 year after my team has completed 20 races? Or does it mean that they will only age after they have actually raced 20 races themselves?
medal 5088
7 years 134 days ago
It is races they are active for, not reserve.
medal 5000
7 years 134 days ago
It is races they are active for, not reserve.

So if I have a 18yo from my youth academy sat in my reserves and he never enters a race, he will still age by 1 year after my team has had 20 races?
medal 5000
7 years 134 days ago
If your driver doesn't race, their age-ing is "frozen" to put it that way.
medal 5000
7 years 134 days ago
Thanks for the reply guys
medal 5088
7 years 134 days ago
No, he won't age as a reserve driver. Reserve drivers sip youth elixir.

+1 to Boomer's response.

To clarify mine, they age 1 year for every 20 races they drive.

I was trying to say drivers age for races they are active for (in reference to when you set them as the active driver).
medal 5000
7 years 134 days ago
No, he won't age as a reserve driver. Reserve drivers sip youth elixir.

+1 to Boomer's response.

To clarify mine, they age 1 year for every 20 races they drive.

I was trying to say drivers age for races they are active for (in reference to when you set them as the active driver).

I read your response a bit too quickly and didn't digest what you had said. When I read it back now, it was clear what you had said, just I was a bit thick to sink it in :)
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